Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Not for Those Who Need Instant Gratification

I received this email today from a total stranger:

"To the Staff at Rockbridge Academy -

"I wanted to let you know that I was very impressed with your varsity boys soccer team when they visited ECA today. The officiating was poor, yet I did not hear the boys or their coach complain once. They showed class when they took a knee during an injury timeout. Throughout their visit to ECA I saw a wonderful Christian testimony from your boys.

"Please pass this on to the team - At least one parent from ECA was highly impressed with the young Christian men from your school. You all should be proud of your team. I was...and I live 75 miles away and have no affiliation with your school!

[Name withheld to protect the innocent]"

You know how people work is, right...? People are...shall we say...less than tidy? And so, the rewards of working with them rarely seem as readily evident as they did when I built my own house. At that time, I'd stand back at the end of each day, look at the walls I put up, run around the new floor with Molly and Seamus, and say, "I did that today. That looks like pretty good work!"

What can I say at the end of each day of headmastering? That was a really good conversation about lying and cheating I had with that little boy today. Glad I fixed that!

It might be years, if ever, before I know that something I said to one of my charges actually sank in and made a difference. Most of the time, I never know.

So when I receive a letter like this, I read it over and over again, before tucking it away.

Don't get me wrong! I realize, as did the Apostle Paul, that it's me who waters and another who plants, but God gives the increase. Praise the Lord for any good fruit that comes from the work He's given me to do.

It's not that I'm looking for credit. It's just nice to have a little reassurance once in a while that my labor isn't in vain.

I need to remember that, since the faculty very often look to me for that same reassurance.

1 comment:

Patty said...

No reassurance here, just a little encouragement that your labor isn’t in vain. I read that letter today and was encouraged. Encouragement in considering the Lord is doing His work through you and all of us. May the Lord bless our efforts in His name!